Accelerating treatment and follow-up for triple-negative breast cancer patients

Recurrence occurs in around 30% of patients with triple-negative (estrogen, progesterone and Her2 receptor-negative) breast cancer (TNBC) within 3 years of treatment. Patient follow-up is currently based on the observation of symptoms suspicious of recurrence. If this is the case, imaging tests are carried out and new treatments are prescribed if metastases are detected. Unfortunately, […]

Co-ACTIF: Evaluation of the implementability and preliminary effects of a multimodal group tele-rehabilitation program for cancer patients and family caregivers

Physical activity has many benefits for physical and mental health. Pre-adaptation interventions in physical activity (pre-treatment) bring greater benefits to the patient than rehabilitation interventions (post-treatment). Multimodal preadaptation targets several components, usually physical activity, nutrition and psychosocial support. In the context of COVID-19, many oncology teams have had to adapt quickly to transfer face-to-face services […]

Virtual midlife follow-up by teleconsultation for cancer patients receiving cancer treatment in a tablet: an evaluability study essential for optimizing access to care

Changes during the pandemic have meant that people affected by cancer are relying more and more on teleconsultation, also known as virtual midlife follow-up via the Internet, using a computer or tablet. Research shows that teleconsultation brings benefits in terms of access to care, the relationship between professionals and patients and their loved ones, the […]

Improving the long-term health of adolescents and young adults with cancer through a multimodal lifestyle intervention: learning from Covid-19 and mitigating its impacts

Adolescents and young adults (AYA) battling cancer face a number of significant challenges. In addition to the acute side-effects experienced during treatment, many will also suffer long-term adverse effects. In this sense, pediatric cancer survivors run a high risk of health complications, which particularly affect their cardiovascular and mental health. This risk is even greater […]