Created by CQDM, Diazon Pharmaceuticals, Oncopole, and Mitacs, the Gordon Shore Prize is awarded to new graduates whose masters or doctoral thesis demonstrate their research excellence in the life sciences field. A 6-month post-diploma internship of $24,000 will be offered to each of the awardees by the participating Quebec-based companies: SpecificiT Pharma Inc., Immune Biosolutions Inc. and IMV Inc.
To be eligible, candidates must reside in Canada (temporarily or permanently) and must have submitted the final version of their thesis within a year of presenting an application. Funding organizations of the Gordon Shore Prize, in collaboration with the private company, will select the best graduate candidates across the province of Quebec according to two main criteria: 1) the excellence of the candidate’s academic record and 2) the complementarity of the candidate with the profile sought by the company.
All interested candidates can apply for more than one post-diploma internship offer. Applications must be sent via email to Naëla Janmamode by March 18, 2019.
For more information and to apply, please see the competition guidelines.